46 research outputs found

    Residents’ perceptions of tourism activity in a rural North-Eastern Portuguese community: a cluster analysis

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    The recognition of the role of tourism planners in seeking to contribute to local residents’ well-being by mitigating the potential costs of tourism development has been given more attention in the last decades. Several studies on the perception of positive or negative impacts, based on sustainability (namely the three pillars: economic, sociocultural and environmental) have been developed. However, the studies have been somewhat limited in terms of approaches, namely with respect to the contribution and participation of stakeholders. In this study, we attempted to use a bidirectional analysis of involvement and tourism knowledge to segment the residents and analyse their perception of the impacts. A total of 373 valid surveys were applied in a rural mountainous municipality (Boticas) during 2015 and 2016. In this municipality, tourism (activity) is an emergent activity. The results show that more informed and more involved residents have more positive perceptions of tourism than other groups, while less informed and less involved residents have more negative perceptions of it. The study contributes to increasing the knowledge about residents’ perceptions of tourism, adding the aspects of involvement, especially in rural areas. This type of proposal can be applied to any destination to help manage residents’ opinions and, consequently, their support of tourism development. Keywords: rural tourism; perceptions; segmentation; clusters; rural development; botica

    The influence of climate and urban morphology on tourism activity in the Porto Metropolitan Area: perceptions and simulation of the bioclimatic comfort of tourists

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    Tese de doutoramento em Geografia (especialização em Geografia e Planeamento Regional)Nos últimos anos, muitos daqueles que têm definido estratégias e políticas para os destinos turísticos urbanos têm vindo a preocupar-se cada vez mais com a maior ou menor capacidade de fruição do espaço público. O facto de as áreas urbanas continuarem em crescimento à escala mundial tem provocado alterações significativas no (micro)clima, por efeito do aumento de superfícies impermeabilizadas, pelo calor antropogénico gerado pelas atividades humanas e pela alteração da circulação do ar. Para fazer face às crescentes exigências dos turistas e dos residentes e à necessidade de melhorar as cidades perante um cenário de alterações climáticas, é fundamental desenhar novas medidas e soluções de atuação. No entanto, nos trabalhos de investigação sobre esta temática é usual a ausência e a falta de qualidade dos dados utilizados, assim como a sua baixa resolução espacial. Estas dificuldades, aliadas à escassez de estruturas adequadas para a partilha de informação, limitam significativamente as ações que possam ser encetadas. A presente investigação visa identificar os principais métodos de análise para monitorizar a capacidade de fruição turística atual partindo da integração dos domínios objetivo e subjetivo; e contribuir para a delimitação de planos de atuação que procurem mitigar e adaptar o setor turístico às alterações climáticas, a médio e a longo prazo. Para aferir a validade destas premissas, foi utilizado como estudo de caso a Área Metropolitana do Porto, em geral, e o município do Porto, em particular. Com recurso a esta investigação, fica patente como se cruzaram diferentes métodos de informação e unidades de análise, assentes numa abordagem meso e escala local baseada na: (i) identificação das áreas críticas, numa análise de gabinete alicerçada essencialmente em Big Data (i.e., fotografias do Flickr, alojamentos de AirBnB e imagens de satélite); (ii) avaliação do nível de conforto térmico para a fruição em áreas críticas com elevado potencial turístico através de levantamento de dados em terreno; e na (iii) identificação de ações e medidas de priorização para a manutenção da atratividade turística face às alterações climáticas. A investigação coloca em evidência a necessidade de informação mais detalhada, a fraca interação entre os atores e a limitação dos recursos. Deste modo, considerando que o Porto é hoje um destino turístico com um clima ameno para a prática turística e procurando mitigar os efeitos das alterações climáticas, este cruzamento metodológico permite delinear algumas medidas e ações com previsibilidade de atuação a curto, médio e longo prazo, tendo em conta a capacidade de fruição turística nas áreas urbanas. Por fim, este estudo procura dar alguns contributos a nível nacional e internacional, podendo a abordagem metodológica adotada ser replicada noutras áreas geográficas, tendo em conta as particularidades de cada território de análise.En los últimos años, muchos de los que han definido estrategias y políticas para los destinos turísticos urbanos se han preocupado cada vez más por la mayor o menor capacidad de disfrutar del espacio público. El hecho de que las áreas urbanas sigan creciendo a escala mundial ha provocado cambios importantes en el (micro)clima, debido al aumento de superficies impermeables, el calor antropogénico generado por las actividades humanas y el cambio en la circulación del aire. Para satisfacer las crecientes demandas de turistas y residentes y la necesidad de mejorar las ciudades ante el cambio climático, es fundamental diseñar nuevas medidas y soluciones de actuación. Sin embargo, en las investigaciones sobre este tema es común la ausencia y falta de calidad de los datos utilizados, así como su baja resolución espacial. Estas dificultades, junto con la escasez de estructuras adecuadas para compartir información, limitan significativamente las acciones que se pueden tomar. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los principales métodos de análisis para monitorear la capacidad actual de disfrute turístico a partir de la integración de dominios objetivos y subjetivos; y contribuir a la definición de planes de acción que busquen mitigar y adaptar el sector turístico al cambio climático, en el medio y largo plazo. Para evaluar la validez de estas premisas, se utilizó como estudio de caso el Área Metropolitana de Oporto, en general, y el municipio de Oporto, en particular. En esta investigación queda claro cómo los diferentes métodos de información y unidades de análisis se entrelazan, usando enfoques de escala meso y local, con: (i) la identificación de áreas críticas, en un análisis basado esencialmente en Big Data (es decir, fotos de Flickr, alojamientos AirBnB e imágenes de satélite); (ii) la evaluación del nivel de confort térmico para el disfrute en áreas críticas con alto potencial turístico a través de la recolección de datos de campo; y (iii) la identificación de acciones y medidas de priorización para mantener el atractivo turístico frente al cambio climático. La investigación destaca la necesidad de información más detallada, la débil interacción entre actores y los recursos limitados. Así, considerando que Oporto es hoy un destino turístico con un clima templado para el turista y que busca mitigar los efectos del cambio climático, este cruce metodológico permite delinear algunas medidas y acciones con previsibilidad de acción en el corto, medio y largo plazo, teniendo en cuenta la capacidad de disfrute turístico en las zonas urbanas. Finalmente, este estudio busca hacer algunas aportaciones a nivel nacional e internacional, al tiempo que el enfoque metodológico adoptado puede ser replicado en otras áreas geográficas, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de cada territorio bajo análisis.In recent years, those who create strategies and policies for urban tourist destinations have been increasingly concerned with the greater or lesser capacity to enjoy public space. Furthermore, the growth of urban areas on a global scale has caused significant changes in the (micro)climate, due to the increase in impermeable surfaces, the anthropogenic heat generated by human activities and the change in air circulation. Taking into account the increasing demands of tourists and residents and the need to improve cities in the face of climate change, the option is to design new measures and action solutions. However, the lack of quality of the input data or their (total) absence, as well as their low spatial resolution, are common. The inadequacy of structures for sharing information is also noted, which significantly limits planning and adaptation actions. This investigation aims to identify the main methods of analysis to monitor the current ability to enjoy tourism based on the integration of objective and subjective domains; and contribute to the definition of action plans which seek to mitigate and adapt the tourism sector to climate change, in the medium and long-term. To assess the validity of these assumptions, the Porto Metropolitan Area, in general, and the municipality of Porto, in particular, were used as case studies. In this investigation, different methods of information and units of analysis were combined, based on a meso approach and local scale for: (i) the identification of critical areas, in an office analysis based essentially on Big Data (i.e., Flickr photographs, AirBnB accommodation and MODIS and LANDSAT satellite imagery); (ii) the assessment of the comfort level for enjoyment in critical areas with high tourist potential through field data collection; and (iii) the identification of prioritization actions and measures to maintain tourism attractiveness in view of climate change, in the medium and long-term. This research highlights the need for more detailed information, the weak interaction between stakeholders and the limitation of resources. Thus, considering that Porto is a destination with a good climate for tourism, and committed to mitigating the effects of climate change, the proposed methodological triangulation allows to outline some measures with predictable action in the short, medium and long-term. Finally, this study aims to make some contributions at national and international level, with the likelihood of the methodological approach adopted to be replicated in other geographical areas, taking into account the particularities of each territory under analysis.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT Portugal) - SFRH/BD/129153/201

    The use of collaborative practices for climate change adaptation in the tourism sector until 2040—a case study in the porto metropolitan Area (Portugal)

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    When climate change became a global concern in the 1980s, mitigation was considered the best strategy to address all challenges. For a long time, it was thought possible to stabilize atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which, according to many experts, brought on an unfit adaptation. There are international agreements designed to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, but the policy measures taken so far are insufficient to achieve this goal. In addition, the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the relevance of placing this issue at the core of international policies and the need for bottom-up measures and options. The purpose of this paper is to explore how collaborative planning can contribute to adapting the urban tourism sector to climate change in the Porto Metropolitan Area (PMA), located in the northern region of mainland Portugal. In this investigation, we used mixed methods based on the following: (1) the discussion of urban tourism’s adaptation planning to climate change with undergraduate students; (2) the application of a modified Delphi questionnaire survey, to 47 international researchers and technicians in the first round and 35 international researchers and technicians in the second round, about the predictability of the adaptation measures; and (3) a theoretical-practical workshop aimed to discuss the main action intentions and ways of adaptation in the short and medium term. All empirical data were collected during the year of 2021. This research highlights the need for more detailed information, the weak interaction between stakeholders and the limitation of resources. Our research identifies the main impacts and local vulnerabilities and determines priorities for adaptation and implementation of actions, aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change and maintaining tourism attractiveness in urban areas. In addition, this investigation allowed the definition of a research agenda, which seeks to guide the area of tourism climatology regarding the new challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.FCT Portugal, grant number SFRH/BD/129153/2017 and Lab2PT—Landscapes, Heritage and Territory Laboratory—AUR/04509 and FCT through national funds and when applicable of the FEDER co-financing, in the aim/under the scope of the new-partnership agreement PT2020 and COMPETE2020–POCI 01 0145 FEDER 007528

    The use of photos of the social networkis in shaping a new tourist destination: analysis of clusters in a GIS environment

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    The use of new photo-sharing services in social networks has favoured a perception of the interests of locals and visitors. The photos presented in these networks are geocoded by the users, residents or visitors, allowing extensive databases to be obtained. The research that was conducted between 2015 and 2016 followed an essentially quantitative approach. Based on the georeferenced photos on social networks, the main distribution patterns of places of interest to tourists, visitors and residents were analysed in a rural emergent tourist destination in northeastern Portugal. We used geographical information systems (GISs) to apply various spatial and statistical analysis techniques. One the main conclusions was that there is a high number of natural and cultural heritage locations with tourism potential, and, in some cases, their accessibility standards make them favourable destinations for tourists.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geographical Information Systems: the past, present and future

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    The main challenges of the XXI century are caused by the large amount of geospatial information through a GIS. Throughout time there have been many attempts to define Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Yet there is still no consensus on its definition and to restrict it to one is limited. In the acronym - Geographic Information Systems - geographic refers to the Earth's surface and near-surface, therefore, all human production and activity, as well as non-human are possible to spatialize using GIS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geographic Information Systems

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    One of the main challenges of the 21st century are caused by the large amount of geospatial information through a GIS. Throughout time there have been many attempts to define Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Yet there is no consensus on define it and restrict it to one definition is limited. In the acronym - Geographic Information Systems - the geographic refers to the Earth’s surface and near-surface, therefore, all human production and activity, and non-human are possible patialization in GIS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório de estágio em direção de obra na empresa Alberto Couto Alves, S.A.

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    Mestrado em Engenharia CivilDireção de Obra, Requalificação e Beneficiação de Vias de Comunicação, Empreitada de Obra Pública, Construção de Edifícios Industriais, Empreitada Privada, Estágio Curricular. No recente panorama da formação da Engenharia civil, decorre a inclusão do estágio curricular como opção de complementar os conhecimentos teóricos com a aplicação dos mesmos na prática. Este relatório de estágio baseia-se na experiência desenvolvida em direção de obra em duas empreitadas distintas. Nomeadamente, uma obra pública de requalificação de vias de comunicação e uma obra privada de construção de um edifício industrial. Abordam-se as questões de soluções de reabilitação de vias de comunicação e a utilização de betume modificado com polímero nas requalificações de pavimentos. Estuda-se também as soluções construtivas usuais, dos pavimentos térreos em edifícios industriais, dando um maior ênfase às patologias frequentes e soluções para serem evitadas/mitigadas. Depois de confrontadas as técnicas usuais com as preconizadas na obra de reabilitação de vias, conclui-se que foram adequadas à retificação das patologias existentes e que o reforço de pavimentos com a utilização de betume modificado poderá ser vantajoso neste tipo de reabilitação. Avaliando a aplicação da laje térrea em betão reforçado com fibras metálicas, na obra preconizada, conclui-se que é uma solução adequada ao tipo de edifício, no entanto, deverá ser evitada a interligação da laje, com as demais estruturas, sem elaboração de juntas construtivas.In the recent panorama of civil engineering course, the inclusion of the internship is an option to complement the theoretical knowledge, with the application of the concepts in practice. This traineeship report is based on the experience developed in project management, in two different construction. A public construction in requalification of routes and a private construction of an industrial building. Are approached solutions in rehabilitation of routes and the use of modified bitumen with polymer in the requalifications of pavements. Are also studied the usual constructive solutions of ground pavemements in industrial buildings, giving a greater emphasis to the frequent pathologies and solutions to be avoided/mitigated. After confronting the usual techniques with those recommended in the road rehabilitation construction, it is concluded that the used solutions were adequate to rectify the existing pathologies and that reinforcement of pavements with the use of modified bitumen could be advantageous in this type of rehabilitation. Evaluating the application of reinforced concrete with metallic fibers in industrial pavements, in the followin construction, it’s concluded that this solution is suitable to the type of building, however, the interconnection of the slab with the other structures should be avoided, without elaboration of constructive joints

    Tracking sound source localization for a home robot application

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    The future of robotics is now trending for home servicing. Nursing homes and assistance to elder peopleare areas where robots can provide valuable help in order to improve the quality of life of those who need it most. Calling a robot,for a person of age,can be a daunting task if the voice is failing and any resort to battery operated devices failsto comply. Using a simple mechanical apparatus,such as aClick trainerfordogs, a person can call a robot by pressing thebutton of a powerless device. The high pitch sound produced by this device can be captured and tracked down in order to estimate the person’s location within a room. This paper describes a method that provides good accuracy and uses simple and low cost technology,in order to provide an efficient positional value for an assistance robot to attend its caller. The robot does not need to search for the person in aroom as it can directly travel towards the Click’s sound source.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of allergic rhinitis and specific subcutaneous immunotherapy on peripheral blood basophils of patients sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus

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    BACKGROUND: Basophils are important effectors cells in allergic rhinitis (AR) since they are involved in immunoglobulin (Ig) E – mediated inflammation and in the release of pro-inflammatory mediators. Specific subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) provides clear immunologic modulation in some immune cells, however its systemic effects on basophils are not well known. METHODS: Peripheral blood (PB) samples from 43 patients with allergic rhinitis mono-sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dpt) [33 of them under SCIT with allergoid Dpt extract, in maintenance dose (SCIT), with evaluation just before SCIT injection (SCIT-T0) and 4 hours later (SCIT-T4) and the other 10 Dpt allergic patients never having, in the past, undergone specific immunotherapy treatment (NSIT)], and 15 healthy age- and gender-matched controls (HG), were analyzed. For each sample, the total (t-IgE) and specific IgE (s-IgE) was performed, as well as, the relative frequency and absolute number of PB basophils and receptor-bound IgE and IgG expression were evaluated by flow cytometry and the Histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT) and tryptase α/β1 (TPSAB1) gene expression was assessed by real-time PCR. RESULTS: Higher levels of receptor-bound IgE were observed in SCIT patients, which are correlated with the levels of serum t-IgE and s-IgE, whereas no significant differences were observed for receptor-bound IgG. Regarding HNMT mRNA expression, significantly lower expression levels were detected in AR patients compared to HG, independently of type of therapy. Moreover a negative correlation was found between HNMT gene expression and time under SCIT. Conversely, tryptase gene expression was significantly up-regulated in NSIT when compared to HG; however in SCIT patients, tryptase gene expression was significantly decreased than in NSIT patients. No differences were found for any parameter between SCIT-T0 and SCIT-T4 with exception of a transient increased expression of tryptase in SCIT-T4. CONCLUSION: PB basophils from patients with AR show altered functional features, which seems to be influenced by SCIT, suggesting that these cells could be useful to clarify the SCIT triggered mechanisms at a systemic level